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Text channel


Channel description. https://devevil.com/

    Welcome to #current-channel!

    This is the start of the #current-channel private channel. Channel description. https://devevil.com/
  1. locked-text
  2. inline codeblock
  3. multi-line
  4. function syntax(highlighting) {
    		let foo = example();
  5. edit message
  6. Thread1231 message ›
  7. italics https://devevil.com/ bold https://devevil.com/ bold and italics https://devevil.com/ Underline text Strikethrough text
  8. pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages.
  9. 0:00/4:01
  10. /**
    * @name Neptune
    * @author DevEvil#8745
    * @version 2.0
    * @description A dark, blue and customizable theme
    * @authorId 468132563714703390
    * @authorLink https://devevil.com
    * @source https://github.com/DevEvil99/Neptune-Discord-Theme
    * @website https://devevil.com
    * @invite jsQ9UP7kCA
  11. discord.gg/minecraft
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  12. New message
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